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Safety is very important at 't Peerdewinkeltje! Because all heads are different, we also have many different brands and models of helmets in stock. In the store we can advise the customer optimally and we take the time to adjust the chosen helmet to size.
Rug in fluorescent yellow fabric with reflective stripes on it to better visualize your horse in the dark.
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Safety first
Safety is very important at 't Peerdewinkeltje! Because all heads are different, we also have many different brands and models of helmets in stock. In the store we can advise the customer optimally and we take the time to adjust the chosen helmet to size.
't Peerdewinkeltje is a specialist for body protectors. In the Air o wear brand, our best-selling brand, we have all sizes in standard length in stock. In the store we help you choose and adjust the right size.